

It was only natural to give their website an equally “handcrafted” interface with extra attention to design. 

What we did

Strategy, Digital Marketing, Web Design, Development
Full Page - Biokarpos
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Web Design & Development

Mother nature and organic goods come alive on every screen in a collage-like style & user-friendly environment. The most challenging part was creating an interactive map of the company’s endless retail distributors within the core of the site’s code. But “big data” is now our middle name! 

biokarpos 1

biokarpos 1

biokarpos 1

biokarpos 1

biokarpos 1

biokarpos 1

Responsive Web Design

Responsive 1 - Biokarpos
Responsive 2 - Biokarpos
Responsive 3 - Biokarpos
We feel wildly creative today! What’s on your mind?

Rule with us

Get in touch

Do you trust your instincts, and are just as bold with your vision as we are? Do you want to be noticed for that?

74, Mantzagriotaki Str. 176 76 Kallithea, Athens - Greece

TEL: +30 210 9567847

EMAIL: hello@ruler.agency

powder in space a day at the digital agency