
Graphic Designer

Vicky Michael

Our Graphic Designer is a sweet and workaholic member of the team, always eager to learn and contribute to the team's success. Vicky has a natural talent for design and a keen eye for detail. She's not afraid to take on new challenges and is always up for trying something new. Vicky is a quick learner and has a positive attitude, making her a valuable member of our team.

+302109567847 (ext.19)
We feel wildly creative today! What’s on your mind?

Rule with us

Get in touch

Big or small, told or untold, your brand story rocks 🤟 and we will work hard as a team so everyone LOVES it!

74, Mantzagriotaki Str. 176 76 Kallithea, Athens - Greece

TEL: +30 210 9567847

EMAIL: hello@ruler.agency

powder in space a day at the digital agency